We would like to offer an opportunity for students of all abilities across the county to work on an ensemble extravaganza and we would ask you to please submit a video or audio recording of your part. The Norfolk Music Hub media team will then create a video including all your submissions to release at the end of the summer break.
You can find more about The Firebird and the composer, Igor Stravinsky, here.
As well as sharing the video on social media and on the Norfolk Music Hub’s Vimeo page we hope to submit it as a digital response to the BBC Ten pieces website.
How to submit your video/audio
- Video or audio submissions are accepted, however video submissions are preferred.
- Students must wear black and white smart dress in their video.
- Please ensure headphones are worn to listen to the click track whilst recording to avoid the click track being audible.
- Video and audio tracks must be submitted by a parent/carer aged over 18. The material will be displayed on our website and used in social media.
- Once you have finished making your video, please rename your video so it includes the project the name of the young person involved.
- Use the below ‘Submit’ link to upload your video and submission form.
- Deadline: Monday 30 November.
By submitting your video for this project you are agreeing to the below terms:
- Your video will be added to create a video montage with other students from Norfolk Ensembles
- This video will placed on Norfolk Music Hub’s Vimeo channel and submitted to Ten Pieces responses as well as being shared via our own social media platforms.
- The video will not be used for anything which may be viewed as negative in tone or that may cause offence, embarrassment or distress for the child, parent, guardian or adult.
- It will not be used two years after the date the image was taken. If the image is close to its ‘use by’ date an updated permission form will be sent.
- Anyone featured will not be named in person.
Data requests should be referred in the first instance to Alison Brain who can be contacted at alison.brain@norfolk.gov.uk.
Read our guide on how to submit your project here.
Finale from The Firebird:
Click track:
Download click track (.wav)
Please right click and choose Save Link As…
Please download the part that is applicable to you from the list below:
Pre-Grade 1:
Bass drum/any large drum Bassoons Clarinets (b flat) Euphoniums/Baritones Flutes Glockenspiel Horns (F & Bb fingerings) Oboes/other mid range C instrument Piano Tenor Horns / Alto Sax (e flat) Trombone/other bass C instrument Trumpets (b flat) Violin Open Strings Violoncello/Double Bass Open Strings
Grade 1-2:
Bass drum/any large drum Bassoons Cello and Double Bass Clarinets (b flat) Euphoniums/Baritones Flutes Horns (F) Oboes/other mid range C instrument Piano Tenor Horns / Alto Sax (e flat) Trombone/other bass C instrument Trumpets (b flat) Violin
Grade 4-5:
Bass (b flat) Bass (e flat) Bass Drum Bassoons Cellos Clarinets (b flat) Double Basses Euphoniums/Baritones Flutes Horns (F) Oboe Piano Accompaniment Tenor Horns / Alto Sax (e flat) Trombones Trombones (treble clef) Trumpets (b flat) Tuba Violins Second Violins Violas