The following schemes exist to help schools and individual musicians find financial support to progress their music education.
Alan Surtees Trust Three awards of up to £1,000 each are made available to emerging musicians, dancers or singers aged between 16 – 30 at the time of application. Find out more >>
Arts Award Access Fund Centres working on Arts Award projects with young people who face barriers to access and inclusion can apply for a grant of up to £1,500 to help them pilot, develop, or embed their Arts Award work with young people. Find out more >>
Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants Project Grants is the new open access programme for arts, museums and libraries projects, funded by the National Lottery. The fund will support thousands of individual artists, community and cultural organisations. Find out more >>
The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme: The Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme enables pupils having music lessons at LEA-maintained schools to purchase musical instruments without paying VAT. Read more >> AIPSGuide (pdf)
Awards for Young Musicians: AYM invites applications from young instrumentalists playing any musical genre to join annual, means tested awards programmes. Award winners receive flexible funding towards musical costs (e.g. tuition, instrument costs, travel etc.) and individual support. Find out more >>
BBC Children in Need BBC Children in Need awards grants each year to organisations supporting disadvantaged children and young people in the UK. Find out more >>
The Big Lottery Fund The Big Lottery Fund distributes over £500m a year to communities across the UK, raised by players of The National Lottery. Find out more >>
EMI Music Sound Foundation: The EMI Music Sound Foundation provides two types of awards: Firstly, the Instrument and/or Equipment awards which allows schools, music teachers and individuals in full time education to apply directly to the Foundation for assistance with the purchase of musical instruments and/or equipment. Secondly, the Bursary awards which allow students at the colleges/organisations detailed below to apply for assistance with fees and/or living expenses (these are handled directly by the college/organisation). Find out more >>
Future Talent: Future Talent supports musicians from any genre of music be it classical, folk or rock and on any instrument from violin to voice and drums to beat-boxing! Find out more about their financial awards >>
Help Musicians: Help Musicians UK is the leading UK charity for professional musicians of all genres, from starting out through to retirement. Find out more >>
New Endeavours Rangers Fund: The New Endeavour Rangers Fund aims to support charitable organisations offering opportunities and positive activities for children and young people in Great Yarmouth and Gorleston. Grants of between £500 – £2,000 are available. Applications can be received at any time with decisions being made in June and November. Find out more>>
Norfolk County Council Arts Project Fund The Arts Project Fund supports initiatives and events in all art forms and multi-art form areas. This includes the development and promotion of a wide range of arts activity in communities throughout Norfolk. If you would like to apply, email for an application form. Find out more >>
Norfolk Community Foundation Funding opportunities vary throughout the year and grants are awarded through a range of different Funds set up with Norfolk Community Foundation by local philanthropists who want to make a difference in their local community. Find out more >>
Norfolk Youth Music Trust The Norfolk Youth Music Award aims to promote, encourage, develop and improve public education in, and appreciation of, the art and science of music in all its aspects within the county of Norfolk. Norfolk based young musicians can apply for up to £500 from the fund. Find out more >>
Norwich Charitable Trusts Norwich Charitable Trusts is the informal name for a group of four charities, based in Norwich, three of which make grants both to individuals and to other organisations with a charitable purpose within specific geographical boundaries. The Charities are:
– Norwich Consolidated Charities (grant making)
– Anguish’s Educational Foundation (grant making)
– Norwich Town Close Estate Charity (grant making)
– Marion Road Day Centre Trust
Find out more >>
Paul Hamlyn Foundation The Paul Hamlyn Foundation is an independent funder working to help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives. The Foundation has a particular interest in supporting young people and a strong belief in the importance of the arts. Find out more >>
PRS Foundation PRS Foundation has many initiatives that provide financial support for the creation, performance, and/or promotion of outstanding music. There is funding initiatives for both organisations and music creators. Find out more >>
The Radcliffe Trust Music Grants: Through its music making grant programme, the Radcliffe Trust supports classical music performance and training especially chamber music, composition and music education. Particular interests within music education are music for children and adults with special needs, youth orchestras and projects at secondary and higher levels, including academic research. Applicants must be a registered charity or an exempt charity. Find out more >>
Take It Away Take It Away offers interest-free loans for the purchase of musical instruments. Find out more >>
Youth Music Youth Music is a national charity investing in music-making projects for children and young people experiencing challenging circumstances. Youth Music’s grants programme supports around 350 projects across England each year, reaching more than 75,000 children and young people. Find out more >>