Wymondham Methodist Church, Town Green
Rehearsal day & time
Thursdays, during term time.
6 – 7pm, Junior Strings
7.15 – 9pm, Wymondham Youth Orchestra
Music Theory up to Grade 5, and Grade 6+ times by arrangement.
Playing level
6pm – 7pm: Junior Strings welcoming beginners to Grade 3+. The present group includes violas and cellos as well as violins.
For further information contact: Chris Jaggard 01379 677279 / chris@jaggard.org.uk
7.15 – 9.00pm: Senior Ensemble (orchestra) welcoming players from Grade 4+ upwards to Grade 8+. From our talented group some are leaving to study at universities, so we will have gaps to fill for VIOLA and CELLO in particular, BUT any orchestral instrument can find a place with us.
For futher information contact: Margery Baker 01603 610934 or Jill Norman (Secretary) 01953 571121 / enquiries@wyms.org.uk
Conductor & coaching staff
Junior Strings – Chris Jaggard
Youth Orchestra – Margery Baker
Junior Strings – music written to match the ability of the group
Youth Orchestra – mostly mainstream classical works
How to join
To apply use the contact details above or go to: wyms.org.uk/contact
Perhaps you would like to visit us before making up your mind? If so please contact one of the above.
Further information can be found on our website www.wyms.org.uk