Springwood High School, King’s Lynn
Rehearsal day & time
Wednesdays, 7 – 8.30pm
Playing level
Grade 4+
Currently the ensemble has an age range from 10-17, with an average age of 14, but players up to the age of 21 are welcome.
Conductor & coaching staff
Elaine Sargent
Music is wide-ranging, but including film music, light classical music, symphonies and operatic overtures.
WNJYO gives several concerts during the year. In December there is an informal concert, which is shared with junior string groups. Later in the year the orchestra aims to give 3 or 4 concerts across West Norfolk, with one in King’s Lynn.
Quotes or recent highlights
“From the start the orchestra looked confident and at ease with the performances and it was a joy to listen to them.” Marian Abramovitch
Upcoming events
4 December, 7pm in Springwood High School 6th Form Common Room
How to join
New players welcome throughout the year. Visit the website www.wnjyo.org.uk or come along on a Wednesday and sit in on a rehearsal.
WNJYO is a registered charity run by parents who volunteer and are elected onto the management committee. There is an annual subscription of £60; the money covers the hire of premises, purchase of music, printing and payments to tutors. There is a discount available if more than one child from a family belongs to WNJYO.