The Fisher Building, City of Norwich School
Rehearsal day & time
Mondays, 6.10pm – 7.15pm
Playing level
This high level ensemble is open to wind, brass, percussion and keyboard players equivalent to Grade 6-8+.
The ensemble supports and nurtures jazz technique including improvisation.
Aimed at pupils in years 9-13 .
Conductor & coaching staff
Geraldine Evans
Dan Mothers
Big band to modern jazz
Quotes or recent highlights
The Jazz Orchestra have performed at many prestigious events in the last couple of years including the Music for Youth National Festival in Birmingham and the Music for Youth Proms at the Albert Hall.
How to join
New players welcome throughout the year via audition. Trombones & trumpets especially welcome to become a big band.
Contact music.service@norfolk.gov.uk, 01603 303348